
Mummies and lanterns

Todays B&W seem to be more black than white, but it is OK.

Found this one while visiting Mummies exhibition in Vapriikki, Tampere.
The item in photo is not a mummy nor anything else related to them. It is a lantern on a wall which tells the exhibition itself wasn't very interesting if I had time to explore to walls, don't you think?
Vapriikki, however, is worth a visit. Mummies, this time not.

More great B&W shots you'll find here


Dragonstar said...

A striking and rather special photo. The mummies would have been less interesting to a photographer!

Chuck said...

This is a different kind of shot. I stared at it a long time trying to grasp what it was. If you can hold someone's attention that long you've accomplished what you set out to do. Nice work.