This is set of Ruby helmets, one of them is even Ruby RedThese great pieces of mastercraft are made by French Les Ateliers Ruby These particular ones I shot while visiting Amsterdam's only shop selling Ruby helmets. Had to go there from Finland to find one to test my head in ?!?
Believe it or not, but the store is really a fashion SHOE store LUUKS
Great find! Wonderful shot for this meme.
How cute is that!! I like the ruby red one the best too.
Super perfect photo for Ruby Tuesday. Thank you so much for sharing and Greeting from Los Angeles.
The reds are perfect for Tuesdays. The variety of reds add such character to the scene...
Racy photo, racy colors. 3..2..1...Red...Green...Start
Red helmets on a red seat - perfect! I love the way each helmet has some bit of red in varied styles.
Nice combination of the red and white colors:)
Great RT catch. I like the candy-striped one.
hienot on kypärit. Tuo raidallinen voisi olla hyvä valinta.
Clever photo, I like it. Nice sharp layout!
my RTIf you come to visit my RT, turn your sound down, I have annoying background music...:))
Very interesting 'shoe' store! Did you buy a helmet? All I ever see are black and silver. . .the reds are beautiful.
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